Day 2 - Basic Usages of R

0. R and RStudio Install

If you want to install R and RStudio in your computer, click the title above to the link that illustrated how to install R and RStudio.

The following contents are extracted from the website RafaLAB and official R documentation sites, and the contents are modified to fit in the datacamp light environment.

1. Basic R Functions

R provides a lot of useful pre-built functions to users. In this practice, you will be able to experience a vareity of pre-built functions in R.

Source: R basics @ RafaLab/dsbook

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2. Basic Programming in R

In this R course, you will learn the basic principles of programming skills in R. This section includes how to use conditional expression, for-loop, and packages.

Source: Programming basics @ RafaLab/dsbook

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3. Dplyr: Data Processing package

In this section, we would like to introduce a powerful R package in data processing: Dplyr. Dplyr package makes it easy to revise and handle data frame.

Source : Tidyverse

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4. Importing Data in R @ RafaLab/dsbook

In this R course, you will learn the basic usage of importing data in R.

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