Basic functions in R
In this page, we will learn various widely-used functions in R.
The following is example functions that we will learn in this section.
1. Look up data and workspace
- print() : Print a value stored in an object to the console
- data() : Pop up help document for built-in functions
- head() : Print the first part of dataset
- ls() : Show a list of variables saved in the workspace.
2. Using R functionality
- help() : Pop up help document for built-in functions
- install.packages() : Pop up help document for built-in functions
- library() : Pop up help document for built-in functions
- example() : Pop up help document for built-in functions
3. Data management
- c() : Generate a vector
- seq() : Generate sequence
- rep() : Replicate the pattern
- sum() : Sum up the values in a vector
- min() : Find a minimum value in a vector
- which.min() : Find index where the minimum value are located in a vector.
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