In general, functions are objects, so we assign them to variable names with <-
. The function function
tells R you are about to define a function. The general form of a function definition looks like this:
my_function <- function(VARIABLE_NAME){
perform operations on VARIABLE_NAME and calculate VALUE
The functions you define can have multiple arguments as well as default values. For example, we can define a function that computes either the arithmetic or geometric average depending on a user defined variable like this:
avg <- function(x, arithmetic = TRUE){
n <- length(x)
ifelse(arithmetic, sum(x)/n, prod(x)^(1/n))
# Create an avg function.
avg <- function(x, arithmetic = TRUE){
n <- length(x)
ifelse(arithmetic, sum(x)/n, prod(x)^(1/n))
# Use an avg function to find the average value in 1:5.