Day 5 - Advanced Statistics in R

Covariance Matrix

The stats packages in basic r installation includes the function cov to calculate the covariance matrix.



ANCOVA Example

input <- mtcars[, c("am", "mpg", "hp")]
res.aov1 <- aov(mpg ~ hp * am, data=input)
res.aov2 <- aov(mpg ~ hp + am, data=input)
anova(res.aov1, res.aov2)

Plot ANCOVA results

df <- mtcars %>% mutate(am = as.factor(am)) %>% select (mpg, hp, am)
ggplot(df, aes(hp, mpg, col=am)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm")

PCA (Principal Component Analysis)

principal component analysis in r


screeplot using principal component analysis


EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis)

fa.parallel function will show the scree plots for the principal component analysis and factor analysis.

fa.parallel(iris[-5], fa = 'fa')

fa.2 <- fa(, nfactors = 2,rotate = "oblimin",fm="minres")
print(fa.2$loadings,cutoff = 0.3)

SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) Path Analysis

Please download the following files: csv data file and R code)

Basic SEM functions are existed in the lavaan packages. Please install lavaan and semPlot packages before running the following codes.


Step 1. setting up the model specification, =~ define latent variable, ~ relations

pathModel <- '
M1 =~ M11 + M12 + M13
M2 =~ M21 + M22 + M23
M3 =~ M31 + M32 + M33

M3 ~ M1 + M2'

Step 2. run the sem model to find the fit.

fit1 <- sem(pathModel, data = df)
summary(fit1, fit.measures = TRUE)
parameterEstimates(fit1, standardized = TRUE)

Step 3. Plot the result.

semPaths(fit1, what = "paths", whatLabels = "par", rotation = 2)

Mediation model in SEM

Step 1. setting up the model specification, you can indicate the beta coeffiecient to see the indirect and direct causality.

pathModel <- '
M =~ a * X
Y =~ b * M + c * X

indirect := b*c
direct := a'

Step 2. run the sem model to find the fit.

fit1 <- sem(pathModel, data = df)
summary(fit1, fit.measures = TRUE)
parameterEstimates(fit1, standardized = TRUE)

Step 3. Plot the result.

semPaths(fit1, what = "paths", whatLabels = "par", rotation = 2)